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The very first chapter of Torah describes the first six days of Creation. Chapter 2 continues: Completed now were heaven and earth and all their host. On the seventh day, God had completed the work that had been done, ceasing then on the seventh day from all the work that [God] had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, and ceased from all the creative work that [God had ] chosen to do. (Trans. Plaut)

The word קדש —holy—appears for the first time in describing the seventh day. As Abraham Joshua Heschel writes, “Three acts of God denoted the seventh day: He rested, He blessed and He hallowed the seventh day.” (Heschel, the SABBATH, it’s meaning for modern man)

For six days we work, we create, we carry on our business, but on the seventh, Shabbat, we cease from all these and appreciate our freedom from the pressures of the material world. It is the day the Creator has gifted us the freedom to contemplate the greater purpose of our existence.

Our services offer a blend of Hebrew and English prayer, accompanied by inspriational melodies.

Erev Shabbat services are held either in the Molish Sanctuary or Temple Beth Torah Chapel; times vary, so please check our weekly calendar. Informal summer services begin at 6:00 p.m. and conclude with Kiddush and Motzi in the Saltzman Biblical Garden. From September through June, Erev Shabbat service options include Family Shabbat for families and the community, Anniversary and Birthday blessings during services with adult choir participation, musical Shabbat featuring our T’filah Band, Young Family Shabbat and Tots-N-Torah especially for children first grade and younger and their families. Don’t miss opportunities to socialize before and after Friday night services.

Shabbat morning begins with Torah study at 9 a.m. in the Temple Beth Torah Chapel; the Torah portion of the week is discussed. Hebrew fluency is not required. Service follows at 10:15 a.m. Congregants and friends enjoy the casual and friendly atmosphere of these gatherings. When children of our congregation are called to the Torah as b. mitzvah a service at 10 a.m. takes place in the Molish Sanctuary.  Junior Congregation provides a chance for kids, especially grades 3-7 to learn about and co-lead a youth friendly Saturday morning service. This program is enhanced with guitar and song leading as well as an edible craft oneg. These services are held on select Saturdays throughout the year at 10:00 a.m.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785